Education / Self-help / Leadership

Perspectives on Focus . . . and Why Nothing Happens Without It


Business is tough today, but many say it always has been. It takes courage to lead a company, and even more to own one. It’s not for the faint-hearted, you need clarity to make the right decisions for success on a minute x minute basis and only then can you really FOCUS on executing your strategy.

Finding that clarity is often the biggest challenge for you and your team, and it can be hard to know where to start.

Perspectives on FOCUS is the collated wisdom of some of Australia’s sharpest minds and it may just be the book that helps you succeed like never before.

  • Specs:
    140 x 125mm, 84pp + Cover, Paperback
  • ISBN:
  • Author:
    Rod Buchecker
  • Publisher:
    Rod Buchecker

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